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Our facility hours are 6:30 am - 5:30 pm, Monday - Friday
*Please note that regardless of age, children are only allowed to attend for a maximum of 10 hours per day*
INFANTS: (Ages 0-1 or until walking independently and over 1 year)
5 full days- Monday-Friday - $250
3 full days- MWF - $150
2 full days- T/TH - $100
TODDLERS: (Ages 1-2)
5 full days- Monday-Friday - $215
3 full days- MWF - $129
2 full days- T/TH - $86
TODDLERS: (Ages 2-3)
5 full days- Monday-Friday - $200
3 full days- MWF - $120
2 full days- T/TH - $80
5 full days- Monday-Friday - $180
3 full days- MWF - $108
2 full days- T/TH - $72
LITTLE LEARNERS: (Ages 4-5 OR until kindergarten)
5 full days- Monday-Friday - $170
3 full days- MWF - $102
2 full days- T/TH - $68
LITTLE LEARNERS: (Ages 3-5 also enrolled in CES Pre-K; August - May)
5 full days- Monday-Friday - $160
No part time discounts
Children are billed according to their age on the first day of each month, unless they are 1 and not yet walking. In that case, infant rates will apply until the child is walking. This method ensures 12 months of payments at each price.
SCHOOL AGERS: (Kindergarten-6th grade)
Before and After School Care
(does not include breakfast - includes a PM snack)
5 days - M-F - Before & After School Care - $70/week
3 days - MWF - Before & After School Care - $42/week
2 days - T/TH- Before & After School Care - $28/week
Before School Only Care
(does not include breakfast)
5 days - M-F - Before School Care Only - $50/week
3 days - MWF - Before School Care Only - $30/week
2 days - T/TH- Before School Care Only - $20/week
After School Only Care
(Includes a PM snack)
5 days - M-F - After School Care Only - $60/week
3 days - MWF - After School Care Only - $36/week
2 days - T/TH - After School Only Care - $24/week
Full Time Summer Care- $150/week
Renwick Breaks From School and In-service Days $30/day
(Spring Break/Thanksgiving/Winter Break)
We will assist in walking our Catholic school age students, enrolled in before school care, over to the Colwich religious education center (REC) each morning. This is a free service. Vehicular transportation is not offered at this time.
Nonrefundable Enrollment Fee – $100 per family
Families with more than one child enrolled will receive a $20/month discount!
There is no cost associated with adding your child's name to our waitlist. We will contact you if a slot becomes available. Please fill out an application here: Procare (
*Please note that if you do not need summer care for children 0-5 years of age, there will be costs associated with holding your child(ren)'s spot during that time period. Additionally, at this time, we do not offer any half day programs.
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